Putt League Sign up & Fee Info

Winter League Part II 

Next League Starts February 24th

Mast Landing, Westbrook


5X League Champs, Unsolicited Disc Pics

$350 per team.

Please submit payment with your team name in a description through:

Venmo/Paypal: @joyswich (click button below)

Practice begins at 5:30p. Games start promptly at 6:00p

Cash & Prizes weekly for most improved team, most improved player and highest individual average and score
Total winning prize amounts determined by number of teams registered.
More info provided to players prior to league start.

Our league is a little different than a typical putting league. A big focus of ours is to offer folks a fun evening throwing with friends. Most importantly, we are focused on getting new players excited about disc golf and making the game more accessible.

The League dues go to the following things that help make League night a kick-ass time:
Time involved in planning and marketing/advertising leagues to get teams signed up, inform of scheduling, stats and match information. Compensation to the employees for transport, set-up and breakdown of the equipment and coordination of the evening’s matches.

It also goes to operating expenses, e.g. taxes, insurance, league statistics aggregation/tracking, scoring app development, equipment depreciation, software/website maintenance, etc.

We’re also dedicating a majority of our time separately from the Leagues to offer free pop-up courses in the City of Portland and beyond.

We appreciate your support for making these events happen and contributing to our longer-term dream that we will continue to share with you as we make it a reality.